"I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and try to ignore the rest." - Venus Williams.
Focus can be the difference between on and off.
Winning and losing.
Good and great.
Between great and the best.
Focusing can be the most fulfilling thing you can do for yourself because with focus comes accomplishment.
Focusing can bring out your greatest talents and give you true purpose of this world. It could take your natural ability and magnify it to extraordinary.
One thing I learned and I'm sure most of us know is what you focus on, what you put your energy into is exactly what we should expect back. That's just a law of the universe. Karma. I've seen that happen like ten thousand times. This is proven as one plus one equals two.
Focus is a key to being successful in any given situation. If you focus on the wrong, you'll get the wrong things. There's no way to focus on one thing and except something different. How you focus on something is giving your attention to it. Even if you don't like it and still focus on not liking it, you're still putting your attention to it and will still attract it.
For example, if you focus on wanting a new car, you'll keep attracting an idea of wanting a new car. But see, it's easy to confuse that because wanting a new car isn't the way to manifest it. You're simply just wanting a new car and not obtaining a new car. Remember, the intent of your focus is so important.
There's a difference between wanting a new car and focusing on a car yours. We really should be clear on what we're focusing on.
Honestly, I feel the time is the most valuable thing we have ever been given, and focus runs parallel to that because every second of the day we're focused on something whether you realize that or not.
I for sure am a victim of focusing on the wrong thing sometimes. I spend a little too much time on my phone, looking at comments, focusing on the outfit for a little too long. But that just human. It's very rare that you'll probably focus on the 100% of your time on that you need to be focused on.
But the biggest advantage is to quickly catch yourself and being able to reset your focus.
For me, there's no way I can focus on something I didn't love. At least not for long. I'm just not content with spending my life miserable and I just personally can't live like that. If it's not a party of vibration you could tell how you feel - your inner guidance system, your feelings. If I feel good, I'm doing the right thing. If not, then it's not what I'm supposed to be doing.
How does what you focus on you feel?

Remember, it's never too late or too early to know what makes you happy and to make that change by any means necessary.
For the last half of a year, I was focused on working and learning some more about myself, business, marketing, love, and spiritual life. I wanted to focus on making myself better for myself (ego?) for the sake of being better for the others too. I want to change people's lives and help them lift their mood up. I want people to be happy and believe in something. I don't care what it is.
You can't measure success in anything but happiness. I say that all the time and if you focus your energy on what makes you happy, what do you think will happen?
Exactly. It will always work out.
Rewire any thoughts you had prior and know that you are what you focus on.